How wonderful it would be to live in a gender equal world. In a world purged of stereotype, bias and discrimination. To live in a world where being inclusive is valued as much as being different.
For over a century we have collectively celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8. On this day, we advocate women’s rights and highlight the achievements of women in our society. By commemorating women from all walks of life, we encourage and promote their participation in diverse fields of living.
At Noise, we are furthering this initiative by calling out all the prejudices that women in our country have to endure. #ShutTheStereotype and let women express themselves the way they want to. Be bold, be loud or be assertive; to us, the many shades of being a woman are all worthy of a celebration.
A world of traditions
Since its inception in 1911, women all over the world have been working tirelessly to create a society of equally opportunities, where every woman is allowed to be independent with her thoughts, decisions, opinions and wealth.
There are various customs and traditions that have become a staple on Women’s Day in various parts of the world. In countries like Italy, Russia and Albania, this day is celebrated by giving women chocolates and yellow mimosas. The Polish people organise a number of feminist demonstrations to highlight the role and rights of women. Several African nations work on educating the public on the socio-economic problems that women face in their society.
In India, there are a number of events, plays and ceremonies that are organised to celebrate the different stages of womanhood.
To the superwomen in your life
Do not miss out on making this International Women’s Day, a day full of surprises for the ladies in your life. From planning a getaway, picking out some fresh flowers, to getting an assortment of goodies, there are a number of ways to make the women in your life feel special. If you are looking for the ideal gift, you can consider exploring some amazing Noise wearables and accessories. Designed for modern, tech-savvy women, our products are crafted to help women pursue a connected and healthy lifestyle. By using the coupon code, BOSSLADY, you can avail a flat discount of 10% across a number of Noise products.
Celebrate this Women’s Day by checking out our #ShutTheStereotype campaign on our social media handles. Let your voice be heard by sharing your personal experiences on being confronted with stereotypes, as a woman in India.