Every morning you wake up with the blaring ring of your alarm clock and immediately hit the shower. You are already running late for work, the last thing on your mind is your health and fitness. However, by optimising your morning routine you can not only improve your health, you can even increase your daily productivity.
A great start to your morning lays the foundation for the rest of your day. By incorporating a disciplined morning routine, you can start each day in a more calm and collected manner. This calm energy not only lingers for the rest of the day, it even positively impacts your physical and mental health.
If you are having trouble managing your daily morning routine, working with a schedule is the way to go. Opt for a smartwatch with customizable reminders and alerts to create your own personalised morning routine. From assessing your daily sleep quality to tracking your calorie consumption during breakfast, this device can help you look after your overall well-being and optimise the way you live.
Read on to know how working on your morning routine can have a positive impact on your health and daily productivity.
Healthy morning rituals to follow
No more alarms
Our body has its own internal body clock know as the circadian rhythm. Our brain automatically aligns this sleep-wake cycle with the light-dark cycle of the sun. Forcing this cycle to adjust to your work schedule can disrupt your circadian rhythm. This makes you rely on an alarm clock even more. A great way to proceed would be to set a dedicated sleeping time, instead of fixing a time to wake up. By sleeping everyday at the same hour you can maintain a consistent circadian rhythm, and teach your mind and body to wake up with the sun.
Water before anything
The importance of hydrating can’t be stressed enough. A 6 to 7 hour slumber is a long enough period for our body to go without water. Rehydration upon waking up should be your first priority. Drinking a glass or two, not only refuels your body, it increases your alertness, jump starts metabolism and keeps numerous health problems at bay.
Make your bed
Though it may seem like a small achievement, making your bed soon after wake up is a good idea. Not only do you get a sense of accomplishment, your subconscious mind starts processing everything in a more organized and systematic manner. It teaches your brain to take charge of your daily tasks, encouraging you to stay that way throughout the day.
Move your body
Exercise in general, is a must, but working-out in the morning can give you an edge. The instant boost of energy and alertness you get with morning workouts can help increase your productivity and elevate your overall mood. Furthermore, it makes managing daily chores and duties a lot easier. Morning workouts set you up perfectly for the rest of the day. In the long run, both your daily mood and confidence starts to pick up.
Listen to Music
Starting your day with your favourite tunes can have a significant effect on your emotions and mood. There are a number of well researched, therapeutic benefits of music. Putting on some mellow numbers in the morning, can positively impact your overall wellbeing and even inspire creativity. Listening to music regulates dopamine in your brain, relieving it of any overnight stress. Music also helps improve your daily cognitive abilities, making you more productive in the process.
Get some sunshine
Exposure to sunlight in the morning is the one of the best ways to start each day. Soaking up some sun within the first hour of waking up can help reduce the secretion of melatonin - the sleep inducing hormone. It can stimulate appetite and boost your energy levels. Vitamin D, available in sunlight is essential for our bodies to fight fatigue and shake off the early morning grogginess.
By managing your morning schedule more effectively, you can ensure that you stay healthy and are more productive daily. If you want to fall into a healthy morning routine, you can consider opting for a Noise smartwatch. From setting customisable reminders, managing your sleep to improving your fitness, our smartwatches can help give your morning routine a leg up. Track your daily activity and stay away from sedentary habits with our exciting collection of Noise smartwatches.